Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tip for breastfeeding

We saw a patient today who was concerned that her child isn't gaining enough weight. She was also worried that her breasts aren't producing enough milk. So the doctor gave her advice on feeding that went something like this..

"Start with the first breast and when that's done give him the second breast."

And then the doctor meant to say: "after the second breast, you can go back to the first."

But instead she said: "after the second breast, you can offer the third breast."

When she realized what she had said, she turned to me and asked: "Ian, where can one find their third breast??"

I was in stitches laughing and couldn't contain myself for the next five minutes.

Mothers, don't forget there's always the third breast to offer.


At Wed Dec 10, 08:03:00 PM 2008, Blogger The Barretts said...

That's hilarious!

At Thu Dec 11, 11:36:00 PM 2008, Blogger Anna said...

I laughed so hard at your post! I'll keep that recommendation at the back of my mind next time I talk about breastfeeding with my patient's mothers. XD


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