Cool Factor
I need to take more pictures. This past weekend, I drove over 700km (in less than 36hrs) to various events around Ontario and I didn't once pull out my camera. I competed in the Ontario softball provincials in London where our team didn't do so hot, but I got a chance to see KELLEY M. and MARK B. We hung out and went swimming at Kelley's and had a great time reminiscing, catching up, and encouraging each other in our upcoming years at our respective campuses.
I also got a chance to meet up with TOM & AMANDA as Amanda was in Toronto competing in the Canadian Ultimate Championships. We watched the finals together and got to see Vancouver's FURIOUS GEORGE -- arguably the best club in the world ..they were hot stuff.
This may not be news to some, but I was flipping through a magazine while lounging at Kelley's and learned that Jack Bauer (who plays Kiefer Sutherland in real life) is the grandson of Tommy Douglas - the father of Canadian medicare. How awesome is that. Jack's cool factor just went up by 10.
I think your cool factor just went up for talking about cool factors...
That's awesome that you got to see so many friends. Yes, more pictures please :)
Wow, it seems like your life is a mini-example of six degrees of separation...
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