Shiny New Bike
I picked her up on Sunday and proceeded to take her on a 250 km journey from Dublin back home to Cork (not the wisest thing to do on your first day). But by the grace of God, I made it home alive.
The day started off sunny but then clouds came over and it got COLD. I've lived in Winterpeg before but this was a different bone chilling wind in your face freeze. I'd ride for 20min, then have to pull into a bar and drink tea for the next 45min before setting off again. In the end, the 3.5hr journey took me 8hrs to complete.
She runs smoothly and purrs like a tiger. Overtaking on the highway is a joy w/ this v-twin. However, she is still nameless so any suggestions are welcome!
You look so cool!!
Nice! I love the color. You be careful though!!
Dude, you are nutz! 250 km on the first day! I guess that's the difference between a 20 something year old and a 40 something year old. Ride safe.
Cool ride man! You're not wearing a mountain-biking suit are you?
TIme to get the gear!
I'll name it "Pantas". that's speedy in Malay.
WOW. that's an awesome looking piece of machinery! You're not saying that this new bike will replace your manual one are you? what happened to the exercise/health conscious Ian? ;)
drive safe you crazees!
Hey Ian, nice ride. Bring your SV back to TO and I'll introduce her to my 89 Hawk GT. We'll all go for a ride together.
Enjoy the ride and remember to use your head.
Hey Ian,
Nice bike! Jon and I ride too, just not our own bike, but his fathers. If you get yours back here someday, maybe we could ride together. hehe.
And how about Betty Blue for a name.
Wow, looks pretty snazzy. Unfortunately, my small knowledge of bikes limits me to commenting on the colour...
So, at least you don't have to worry about the steering wheel being on the wrong side if you bring it to Canada, right?
when i was working in the emergency department, i think those machines were referred to as "organ donor vehicles".
drive safe, and wear a helmet (although, don't know how much good that would do at 250km/hr)
She's gonna be called Eabhla. That's Irish for Eve, which means "lively" in Hebrew.
Eabhla has an "accent aigu" on the first letter, and it's pronounced "AYve-la" ('ay' as in 'may').
Just to clarify.. it was a DISTANCE of 250km that I rode, not a SPEED.
and yes.. of course my manual bikes are still in service. Thx for asking though Anna!
what a name. I don't even know how to say it ... nope, not even after reading it for the third time. I'll just call it eve. looks like a nice ride.
That's awesome Ian. Enjoy and be careful!!!
nice bike Ian!!! love the blueeeeeeee :)
You will match the new bike much more in the picture, if with more muscle. D.
Are you okay?
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