Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Why I Workout (and more 24 rankings)

I've been home in TO now for 1.5 weeks indulging in food and sleep - not a particularly healthy combo - but hey, I'm on holiday. I've also been playing as much hockey as possible so hopefully that's offsetting the ill effects of said combination. I do miss the day-in day-out consistency of attending the gym at school though so here's how my story goes on why I workout. I workout because:
  • My body belongs to God and should be cared for accordingly. Regular exercise is known to prevent the onset of many disorders (both physical and psychological). I also see working out as an extension of why I don't smoke or drink excessively.. 1 Cor 3 reminds us that God's Spirit lives in us and that our bodies are sacred. I'm working to preserve mine.
  • Injury prevention - weight training helps strengthen bones, joints, and muscle. Rolled ankles and broken bones suck.
  • Sports - I'd like to think some of the time I put in at the gym gives me an edge at the sports I play.. faster, higher, stronger!
  • Missionary life - it can be physically gruelling and I want to prepare the best I can for it (read Jim Elliot).
  • Self discipline - it's not easy getting up before the sun, but self-control is a Fruit of the Spirit.
  • I didn't consciously come up with this next reason and I can't say it's my primary reason for hitting the gym regularly, but after my buddy brought it up one time, I must confess it does indeed motivate me. Let me paraphrase him: "I workout so my future wife can have the pleasure of enjoying this magnificent specimen of refined and chiselled..." OK, you get the point. He's doing it for his future wife, and he's right. How can I expect my future wife to be fit and attractive if I do a sloppy job and present her with a fat, decrepit, outta shape body??
  • Last but not least - I wanna look like the fella above. AARRRGGGHH!!
Seasons 2-4 of 24 have become a blur for me so here are my rankings through season 4:

Top Five
  • Chloe O'Brian
  • David Palmer
  • Jack Bauer
  • Tony Almeida
  • Lynne Kreske
Bottom Five
  • Ryan Chappelle
  • Erin Driscoll
  • Audrey Raines
  • Wayne Palmer
  • Sherry Palmer


At Mon Jan 01, 03:31:00 PM 2007, Blogger The Barretts said...

Good reasons..maybe they will motivate me :)

I don't like your last reason though...that guys looks yucky to me!

At Wed Jan 03, 11:53:00 PM 2007, Blogger JWo said...

lol - I like your friend's honesty!

Although, I would like to think that most women don't look at the body for what they want in a guy. If that were so, then you know what that kind of girl she is. It is more like a bonus.

I know some guys who take your sixth reason to the extreme (and extremes are dangerous!). As a result, they wake up in the morning to go to the gym and work out 4-5 times per week, but yet say they are too busy to read their Bible, pray or go to church. Those people I don't get. As a result, I believe they will attract like minded people for their future wife - but they complain there are no Christian women who like them (shaking my head).

Sorry we didn't get to catch up with you in TO this winter - we flew in and then out! Crazy schedule this year. Hopefully we can hook up over the summer!


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