Friday, November 24, 2006

24 S1 - rankings

ok, the workout post is gonna have to wait.

In an attempt to catch up on 24 before season 6 starts (yes I'm a little behind), I've just completed watching the 24hrs of season 1. As the true colours of the characters are revealed, I am beginning to develop a liking for some and disdain for others. This list is probably dated for most readers, but it's where I stand at the moment, and I'm curious to see how the rankings will change as "time" passes on.

Here's my top 4 and bottom 3 for now. The list will fill as the episodes wear on..

01. David Palmer (man of integrity)
02. Jack Bauer (hero)
03. Tony Almeida (astute)
04. Andre Drazen (ruthless)
97. Alberta Green (just a bad actor)
98. Keith Palmer (the spawn of satan)
99. Sherry Palmer (the devil herself)


At Sun Nov 26, 01:38:00 AM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have watched all 5 seasons on DVD. Your list will change =)


At Sun Nov 26, 04:24:00 PM 2006, Blogger M said...

ahhh, wonderful...another convert to the greatness that is 24.

At Sun Nov 26, 06:00:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ian,
it's good to see you are finding time to do other things and not only school. We miss you lots and wish you were here. As for 24 we don't really watch much TV so we don't have any comments on that.
Tom and Amanda

At Tue Nov 28, 09:20:00 AM 2006, Blogger The Barretts said...

Am I missing out? I haven't seen 24...I hear so much about it!

At Tue Nov 28, 11:37:00 PM 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting for the work out post.
- Josh

At Sat Dec 02, 02:41:00 PM 2006, Blogger Bryan said...

I just finished a post that included 24 and went out to check a few blogs. What do you know, there you are talking about the greatest show ever!

My top 5 favorite good guys:
1. Jack Bauer
2. Tony Almeida
3. President David Palmer
4. Kim Bauer
5. Aaron Pierce

Top 5 bad guys:
1. Sherry Palmer (she made me hate her character so bad!)
2. President Charles Logan (he did a great job playing such a dispisable role)
3. Miles Papaizi (oh, did I ever enjoy it when Jack got his hands on that guy)
4. Ryan Chappelle (he goes from being the epitome of the useless boss to a guy you actually feel for before Jack pops him)
5. Nina Myers (she was the main bad guy behind the scenes in 2 seasons)

What's going to happen this season?

At Fri Dec 15, 06:56:00 PM 2006, Blogger JWo said...

I think if I start on 24, i won't get anything done. The great thing about TV DVD series is that you don't have to watch commercials, no waiting for next episode and great extra features. Downside is that for those who don't have self-control when you have something good, it is danger!!!

I think I lack the self-control to own any series...

At Sun May 06, 06:03:00 PM 2007, Blogger Kelley Anne said...

okay... I just hopped on the 24 wagon. I too, adore David Palmer and yikes Sherry!!


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