One Sweet Ride (and disappointment w/ Season 6)
24 SEASON 6..
What's up with the story line? It's like Season 4 all over again. Have they run out of ideas or something? I'm tired of Islamic fundamentalists - they're not the only terrorists in the world - give them a break! I was all psyched up after Season 5 to see the Chinese get involved, but that didn't last long. Bu hao. Not sure if I'll watch anymore of Season 6 but let me know if it improves, especially YU, stef.
All good things must come to an end... JW using deb's account
No matter how far-fetched, and predictable 24 may get, it's still better than 99% of the shows on TV.
that's a sweet ride Ian ;) And I don't watch 24 - I've heard how good it is but I'm already addicted to three shows on TV (desperate housewives, house and grey's anatomy) I can't succumb to watching any more!
hey ian! yes i've invaded this space!
btw, tht's not the same bike you had here in Hali right? 12euros? that's a steal! THere must been a toone of booze involved. :P
a shoutout!!!
to me!!!
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