Sleeping Styles
The Globe recently published the results from a survey on sleep positions. Here are the 5 most popular choices among Canadians:
1) The Arrow - (pictured) Sleeping on your side with legs straight.
2) Tummy Tuck - On your side in the foetal position.
3) Goodnight Frankenstein - Sleeping on your back with arms straight down by your side, aka the "Zombie" position.
4) Freefalling - Sleeping on your stomach, face down into your pillow.
5) Hands-up - On your back with your arms up beside your head in the "I surrender" position.
What's your style?? Mine varies depending on what surface I'm sleeping on. If it's a hard surface - aka the ground or a wooden plank in China, I go with the Frankenstein. If it's a soft comfy bed, I do the foetal with a pillow stuck between my legs. (The pillow btw legs is key to reducing back and hip pain)
Another "secret" I have for a comfortable sleep is placing my hand on my stomach - better yet, rubbing my stomach as I doze off. Some people don't believe me but it's soothing! and it puts me to sleep fast. Try it.
This pic is for Stephen..
taken outside our Health Sci bldg. (I'll try to get some nice scenic shots on the road next time)
Hey Ian,
How are you enjoying your ride!? I haven't taken my bike out for a serious ride for a couple of years now. Hey, there's actually a new way to get deep sleep. Some guy has found a spot on the head to place a trans-cranial stimulating device that will induce deep sleep. I might need to try it out.
Hey Lau,
Very interested post. I have actually lately started sleeping on my back. The other position I favor is on my side using 3 pillows...head, knees & hug.
Great pic by the way!
nice post. aren't you supposed to be studying?! haha. always after reading your blog, i check the marrieds off your links. is everyone having babies?! ;)
oh yeah, that pic is perfect. *ahem* i wonder who took it...(cough cough)
see ya in a few days!
hey ian, love the pic...maybe one day we'll do the cabot trail on our bikes, camping along the way....i'm sure it'll beat the time you did in on mountain bike. When are you back on this side of the pond? Have a great summer if i don't get to talk to you...if you are coming to canada...go ahead and splurge on a ticket to the east coast...i'll make sure you get out on a sailboat!!
Take care
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