Sunday, September 30, 2007

You know you go to the gym too much when..

You know you go to the gym too much when..
  1. The guy at the front desk doesn't even bother checking your gym pass anymore.
  2. Random people in the change room chat it up with you: "so, you come here often..."
  3. You know the guy at the front desk is named David.
In my defence.. (I go to the gym ENOUGH, but not too much)
  1. I'm 1 of 5 Asians in Cork.
  2. I'm 1 of 5 guys in the gym who DON'T wear short-shorts.
  3. I heard David get reamed out by his boss for not checking my gym pass.


At Mon Oct 01, 09:13:00 AM 2007, Blogger The Barretts said...


There are only 5 Asians in Cork!? Wow.

You are very observant to notice that only 5 guys don't wear shorts :)

At Tue Oct 02, 11:35:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know you go to Yee Hong too much when...the staffs said to you: "getting off now?!" ha,ha...happened to me a few times.

At Tue Oct 02, 12:44:00 PM 2007, Blogger Bryan said...

Hey Ian,
Cork, Ireland is the location for Peter Petrelli's scenes this season in Heroes. Right now they're in a pub.

Oh, and a tatoo on the lower back is aka a tramp stamp. Or so I'm told. :-)

The most awkward tatoo story: at a wedding, my friend's dad commented on how he liked the tatoo my other friend's girlfriend had on her chest. She was like "Ummmm... thanks" and pulled up her dress a bit. Funny stuff.

At Tue Oct 09, 09:51:00 AM 2007, Blogger JWo said...

lol - that pic is disturbing - did you take that yourself? lol. I agree with Sarah - you are observant. BTW - Deb and I will be in Toronto for most of the month of December. We gotta live up old times and play some Settlers of Catan!


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