Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today I played my first softball game in a couple of years, and it felt good to round the bases again and have flies circle my head while fielding in left. oh yes.. the familiar sights and sounds of summer.

Speaking of familiarity.. Actually, I'd call this a certainty - the 3rd certainty of life: Death, Taxes, and large women will ALWAYS crush the ball down the left-field line. They just luuuuuvvv to hug that line. Mark my words next time you get burned. ..good thing they don't run so fast =+O

Strange coincidence.. the score was tied tonight 6-6 in the 6th.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Well here I am.. house-sitting for my friends in Halifax 'til the end of August. The first thing I noticed was their backyard lawn, which is almost up to my knees. I resolved to cut it at once. But when I opened their shed, all I found was a push mower! If I start now, I just might finish by the end of August.