Friday, June 27, 2008

Telemarketers in TO

I've been home for a few weeks now and between 4:30pm-8:00pm, the phone doesn't stop ringing with telemarketers fishing for sales. Real conversation from this afternoon:

[me] Hi
[marketguy] Hi is Mr. Lau there please?
I'm calling from Bell Canada because you are one of our customers and I'm wondering if you're interested in subscribing to our Sympatico High Speed Internet?
We already have an internet plan thank you
Okay then, what do you use for cable TV?
We use rabbit ears
Rabbit Ears?? I've never heard of them (pause..) Are they new?
No, I'm pretty sure they've been around for some time now
Really.. I've never heard of that company. How much do you pay per month?
It's free
Oh yea?!
You bet
How many channels do you get with their service?
Let's see.. about 7 on a good day!

Conversation ends with an abrupt click. OH MAN.. the ways I amuse myself after a long day of studying..