Full Frontal Nudity
I went to do some laps in the pool the other day, and I must've been churning pretty hard, cuz when I came out of the water I was a little tipsy and groggy. So I stumble towards the changerooms, not looking forward to the 5 gruelling flights of stairs I need to climb to reach the showers.
I start up the stairs slowly, grasping desperately at the banister and at every breath.. trying very hard not to fall over. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reach the top. But to my surprise, the changeroom looked different. Could I be dreaming? Am I really this disoriented??
The lockers were in different places, the hairdryer was on a different wall, the mirror was somewhere else, and the walls were **gasp** PINK!!
I U-turn as fast I can without tripping over my flip-flops and boot it down the stairs at mach 2 -- praying that I don't fall and plaster my face on the concrete walls.
"Please God.... don't let anyone see me......." running, running, 2 steps at a time. "Don't trip.. don't trip"
"oooh.. slippery spot"
"WAATch the puddle!" .... "get me outta here!!"
I'm not sure if the climb up or the dash down took longer, but they both seemed to take forever. I finally get back to the pool deck and emerge from ...... yes, the Ladies Room.
I peek around the corner to make sure no one's watching and wondering why I'm coming out of the women's room, and of course, I run into the *useless* lifeguards. They look at me, I look at them. "Umm,.. why didn't you stop me when I walked in??" (You have to walk past the men's room AND past the guarding station to get to the women's room). They were dumbfounded. And so was I.
Thank goodness I didn't run into or see anyone in the changeroom cuz there'd be lawsuits flying left, right, and centre .. but I thought it'd make a catchy title.