Monday, January 28, 2008

"Babe Puller"

I'm back from living out Doc Hollywood meets Waking Ned Devine meets Canadian Bacon meets Kung-Fu Hustle (that's read my profession, the setting, my nationality, and my ethnicity). See pictures HERE. I had to rent a car for the last 2 weeks cuz it was raining most of the time and the motorcycle didn't suit very well. It's apparently not very professional to show up on a home visit soaking head to toe. Plus, my GP insists the car is a better "babe puller" -- his words, not mine. I beg to differ.

The rental company gave me a 2007 Nissan Micra for the first week, and it brought back fond memories of the '92 Micra I learned to drive in. These are tiny little cars, but the lanes on Irish country roads are barely wide enough to fit one yet the posted speed limit is 100km/h! The crazy thing is tractor-trailers also use these roads and they don't slow for nothing. There were several times when a semi would be hurtling towards me in the opposing lane and I'd just close my eyes and pray we didn't meet.

Back to the motorcycle.. time's come for me to renew my insurance on her and it's costing me a fortune - so much so, I'm thinking of selling her. Mind you, that's not the only reason I'd part with Eabhla (I seldom do things for just one reason). Besides financial reasons, there are also practical, familial, social, safety, recreational, environmental, and educational factors to consider.

Whadaya think?? My buddy Thomas, 07 Ducati Monster S4R, gave me a tongue lashing when I told him I was selling. He told me to put her aside for 3 weeks and then reconsider when the rainy season ends. I'm open for persuasion.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

In The Sticks

I'm back from a week of living in the sticks and here are some stories to write home about (did not bring camera this week but hope to get some shots next wk):

I arrive at the clinic after a 2 hr ride on my motorcycle, thirsty as a cactus, so the staff tell me to go make myself a cup of coffee. I settle into the staff lounge but am not much of a caffeine junkie so I just grab a glass of water and go to work. Back at the reception desk our conversation goes something like this:
(them) "Did ya fix yourself a cup of coffee?"
(me) "No I'm not much of a coffee drinker so I just had some water."
(them) "You boiled the water first right?"
(me) ..hesitating w/ funny look starting to creep over my face
(them) "Well good luck bai"

On day 3 the GP leaves me in the treatment room alone with a patient to perform a relatively minor procedure. He returns to find *gasp* the patient's blood all over the floor, on my pants, and covering my shoes. This wasn't open heart surgery or anything dramatic like that.. I just goofed - big time. SSSTTEEEEEEEERRIKE TWO!!

I calmly clean up the mess and explain to the patient this happens sometimes when we do [this procedure]. Patient is reassured and the GP finishes up the job. After the patient left, the doc told me I was cool under fire. Phew - close one.

Thankfully I've got a fun doc to work with (he's a good instructor as well). We're out for lunch one day with his colleagues and once everyone's seated at the table, he introduces me: "Folks, this is Ian from the Medical Council of Ireland. He's here for a week to audit me practice. Please do all ye can to make sure he's well fed and content by the time he leaves."

For a while, everyone's intimidated by my presence at lunch and no one mentions a word to me for the next 20 minutes, until a brave soul questions, "are ye really from the medical council?" To which I reply, "Absolutely. And what are the guidelines for instrument disinfection and infectious disease control at your practice??" My GP chokes on his food and launches a half-digested potato wedge across the room at 90 mph. SSTRIKE THREE!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Smile 'n Nod

Apologies for my blogdom absence. Excuses include exams, studying, travelling, facebook, holidays, etc. I returned to Cork on Jan 2 after spending a couple of weeks in TO for Christmas. Highlights include:
  • Surprising dad for his 60th bday
  • Quality home cooking and Chinese food
  • Snow storms! (and subsequent driving adventures w/out winter tires)
  • Shovelling snow
  • Pac Mall and its "unique" merchandise
  • Hanging, wii-ing, and prayin' w/ Wongs
  • Worship and bball in new SCBC bldg
  • Jog / runs in the snow
  • Two hr shinny @ Angus Glen (best 4 bucks ever spent!)
  • Hearing ‘bout AC’s new CHRISTIAN gf
  • Dinner and shenanigans w Shirley Street gang
  • Singing Silent Night w Grams on Christmas eve
  • Boxing day madness 7am @ Sporting Life
  • Skiing w Mok cousins
  • Catching up w friends and family
  • Meeting new and old friends from Hfx at WC
  • Mom's NY eve salmon, muscles, and lobster dinner
  • NY day hockey w SCBC crew until having to catch my plane

I'm now officially halfway through my medical program. Two and a half years to go (in case you haven't been following the ticker at the bottom ;-) We're into our clinical rotations full time now and for my first posting, I'm off to do a rural GP rotation! Small town medicine is something I've always wanted to do (watch Doc Hollywood) so we'll see how these next 4 weeks go. I'm gonna be in Mullinahone, County Tipperary (pop of 372). The receptionist at the clinic calls it a village, and there's no public transportation that'll take you there (you have to drive).

Hopefully the Irish accent isn't too thick in this area. I've seen patients before where I'd only understand about 60% of what they were telling me. I just smile 'n nod and hope it's not too serious!